What Continent is Turkmenistan in? | Where is Map

What Continent is Turkmenistan in?

Is Turkmenistan part of Asia Or Europe?

Continet: Asia
Surface: 491.210 sq km
Population: 5,662,544 inhabitants
Capital: Ashgabat
Peoples: Turkmen 91%, Uzbeks 3%, Russians 2%, other 4%
Language: Turkmen
Religion: Muslim 89%
State order: Presidential republic
Visa: yes
Vauta: Turkmen manat
Time zone: UTC +5
Area code: +993

What Continent is Turkmenistan in
What Continent is Turkmenistan in
Is Turkmenistan part of Asia Or Europe
Is Turkmenistan part of Asia Or Europe

Turkmenistan is located in the northeast of Iran, on the eastern shores of the Caspian Sea, and is one of the republics born after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, in 1991. Much of the territory corresponds to the barren desert plain of Karakum; the economy of the country is based on the cultivation of cotton and the exploitation of hydrocarbon resources (natural gas and less oil) of the subsoil.


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