What Continent is Tanzania in?
Official name: United Republic of Tanzania
Political system: Republic
Current government :ak 2005
Capital: Dodoma
Surface: 945.090 Sq Km
Population: 37,000,000 inhabitants
Density: 38.4 ab./Km2
Annual population growth: 1.99%
Language: Sah
Religion: Christian, Muslim
Urban population: 34.4%
Literacy: 77.1% (85.2% male, 69.2% female)
Infant mortality: 8.5%
Life expectancy: 47 years
HIV / AIDS rate: 8.8%
Human Development Index: 0.407-162nd out of 177 states
Currency: Tanzanian Shilling
Is Tanzania in Asia Or Europe?
The approximately 945,000 sq km of surface, almost all above 1,000 meters high, are characterized by a great variety of types of territory and corresponding climatic zones, from the tropical coasts to the temperate highlands.
On the border with the KenaA is the KilimanaroAro (literally “Mountain of Light”), 5,895 meters high, volcanic in nature, is the roof of Africa. When, at the end of the secolo Then Queen Victoria wanted to offer it as a gift to her cousin, Kaiser Wilhelm II, and the border was moved further north, thus ending up in the territory under German control, that is, present-day Tanzania.