What Continent is São Tomé ve Príncipe in?
Is São Tomé and Príncipe not in Africa?
Inhabitants 204.327
Capital Sao Tome
Languages Portuguese
Local currency Dobra di São Tomé and Príncipe (€1.00=24504.28 Dobra di So Tome and Pr Pr Ncipe )
Tropical climate, hot and humid all year round
Vaccinations Vaccination for yellow fever is mandatory for all travelers, regardless of origin.
Entry requirements Passport with a validity of at least six months and entry visa, which can be obtained at the Embassy of Rome, by presenting the A/R ticket
Distance from Italy 4,671 km (20-24 flight hours)
The Democratic Republic of So It is an archipelago of about 20 islands that is located in the Atlantic Ocean off west-central Africa, in the Gulf of Guinea
The Republic of So To serve the route is the airline TAP-Tap air Portugal, the duration of the trip varies from 20 to 23 hours and provides at least two stops (generally a Portuguese city such as Porto or Lisbon, then Kotoka in Ghana).
Is São Tomé and Príncipe safe?
Is São Tomé its own country?
What are people from São Tomé and Príncipe called?