What Continent is Central African Republic in? | Where is Map

What Continent is Central African Republic in?

Is Central Africa in North Africa?

The Central African Republic (CAR), a sparsely populated country, landlocked in the heart of the African continent with an area of 623,000 km2, is among the poorest and most fragile in the world despite its wealth in natural resources (470 mining indices, with oil, gold and diamonds as main potentials). The CAR has just passed more than two decades of crises, the main of which was marked by the takeover of power by the Seleka in 2013. The last crisis was triggered by a coalition of rebels in December 2020.

Central African Republic
Central African Republic
Is Central Africa in North Africa
Is Central Africa in North Africa

With a population of about 6,100,000 inhabitants, the CAR ranks at the very bottom of the human capital and human development indices (188th place in the ranking out of 191 countries in 2022). Institutions are weak, citizens have insufficient access to basic services, the lack of infrastructure is severe, gender-based violence (GBV) is widespread and the social fabric has deteriorated. The country is endowed with impressive agricultural potential and vast forests, but the population is still waiting to enjoy their fruits.

What Continent is Central African Republic in
What Continent is Central African Republic in

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