I’ve been renting a house since last August and have been living here with my dad.
So it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything but something happened yesterday and my minds all over the place….. I’ve been renting a house since last August and have been living here with my dad.
I’ve been with my boyfriend for 7 months and we’ve discussed moving in together in the future and planning for our future together. I was speaking to my landlord yesterday about different things and he was asking me if my boyfriend and I were getting serious. I said yes, he asked me if I planned on moving out. I said at some point. He started going on about how my dad likes it here.
I said well as long as he would allow him to live here he would stay. It kinda feels like he was telling me that if I move out my dad couldn’t stay here. I’m 27 years old. I don’t wanna live with my dad my entire life, I’ve always put my family before myself, it’s time to put myself first. I don’t know if I’m overthinking it but it almost feels like my landlord is trying to make me choose between my life and my dads.
The landlord was also asking me about my job (I work with his niece for Usps and that’s how I wound up moving in here) and asked me “if I still was messing with criminal justice stuff” I’m in college for my bachelors degree in criminal justice, it’s been an interest of mine since I was a kid and he told me that it’s not a career for me. What would others do if they were in this situation? I feel like just snapping on him but I don’t feel that would help with anything either.