Where is Adventure Park USA Located Prices,Tickets, Hours, Map
Where is Adventure Park USA
The Wild West comes alive in Adventure Park USA. Not only are the buildings reminiscent of the time of the first European settlers in America, but also many of the attractions adapt to this theme.
One of the most popular rides in the Park is the Wildcat Roller Coaster, which provides Action with its fast up and down and some steep turns. Smaller visitors, on the other hand, are particularly happy about the Prospector Playground Soft Play, an Indoor playground with numerous devices and toys tailored to their needs.
Address: 11113 Baldwin Rd, Monrovia, MD 21770
Monday 11AM–6:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–6:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–6:30PM
Thursday 11AM–6:30PM
Friday 11AM–9PM
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 11AM–7:30PM
Phone: (301) 865-6800
Owner: Family Owned