Where is 854 area code? What area code is 854
Where is 854 area code?
854 – Charleston, SC
What area code is 854
At a time when slave trade was as common as the walk to the bakery, Charleston flourished. The location at the port was ideal – as did the large land areas that were converted into plantations.
Many Americans earned themselves by the slave and farm business Rich and before they knew each other, a layer of southern aristocrats arose, which only went down the drain when slavery finally took an end. Until then, however, there was enough time for the beautiful and rich to erect magnificent prestige.
A number of houses can be visited in the historic Old Town of Charleston: the Nathaniel Russel House, which the dealer had built in the Federal Style. For this, there is the Greek Revival style at the Edmondston-Alston House to admire (including an enormous library, as from films).