Where is Saratoga Springs, New York? What County is Saratoga Springs? Saratoga Springs Map Located
Where is Saratoga Springs, New York?
State Of New York
Brief description Saratoga Springs near the Hudson is mainly a seaside resort, one of the leading in the USA. His Flair with European described and Saratoga Springs looks to be in line with Baden-Baden, Karlovy vary, or Bad Hofgastein.
What County is Saratoga Springs?
Population 25,000
Location (Streets) Interstates:
I 87 (Montreal CAN-Glens Falls-Albany-New York City)
US-Highway: 9
Rail Amtrak Station (West Ave. & Station Lane)
Bus bus station Greyhound available (Spa City Diner on Broadway)
Car Rental Enterprise is represented
Worth seeing
Culture, History, Museum
Nature, Gardens, Parks
Leisure, Fun, Kids
Neighborhoods, Shops, otherwise.
Petrified Sea Gardens – more than 500 million years old rocks
Yaddo Garden-about 100 years old Rose and stone garden
Children’s Museum-Museum of children with giant soap blowing machine
Crystal Spa-spa with different indications
Lincoln Mineral Bath – one of the most famous baths in the world
Natural. Museum of Dance-Museum dedicated to the history of dance
Urban Cultural Park-Local History in old drinking hall
other attractions in counties Saratoga, Fulton & Washington
Motels many Hotels, often with convention center, available. Very high price level.
historical Hotel Gideon Putnam Hotel, Gideon Putnam Rd, built in 1935, $ $ to $$$
YMCA available (Broadway)
Camping camping in Fish Creek Marinia & Camp Grounds, County Rd 67
Viticulture southwest of Saratoga Springs is located in Mayfield the Royal Kedem Winery.
historical railroad between Salem and Cambridge in County Washington runs through the valley of the Batten Kill River a museum ice rink called Batten Kill Rambler.
Saratoga Springs Map Located
What city is closest to Saratoga Springs NY?
How far is Saratoga from New York?
What county is Saratoga Springs NY in?
What is Saratoga New York known for?