Which country does the Caspian Sea belong to? | Where is Map

Which country does the Caspian Sea belong to?

Is the Caspian Sea a lake or a sea? History and features

It is called the sea, and yet many of the Caspian people speak of it as a lake. How is this possible? It is a very interesting and particular story and that we will now tell you in the next lines. Formerly called the Hyrcanian Sea, what is certain is that it is the largest closed water mass on Earth: it is 1,200 km long, has an average width of 310 km, an area of 371,000 km2, a volume of 78,200 km3 and a maximum depth of 1,025 meters. Let’s try to understand together whether indeed the Caspian Sea is a sea or a lake, its features and the long history of this particular water basin.

Where is the Caspian Sea

The Caspian Sea rises between two continents-Europe and Asia. Given its vastness, it occupies in the east the Caucasus mountains, and in the west the boundless steppe of Central Asia. In essence, it borders on a many countries:
north-west with Russia;
northeast with Kazakhstan;
southwest with Azerbaijan;
southeast with Turkmenistan;
south with Iran.
It is powered by about 130 inputs, but one of its most particular characteristics is that it has several “inputs” but no “outputs”.

Which country does the Caspian Sea belong to?
Which country does the Caspian Sea belong to?

How it was formed

The history of the formation of the Caspian Sea is very ancient: it dates back to 5.5 million years ago, when the ancient Tethys ocean – the great sea basin that during the Mesozoic separated the two paleocontinents of Eurasia and Africa – would have partially dried up leaving us as a legacy three large basins, namely the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea.
At the beginning of its formation, the Caspian Sea was basically a single basin along with the Black Sea. However, during the Paleocene period, the Caucasus Mountains rose more and more favoring the separation of the basin into two different bodies.

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