Where is Amazon Rainforest? | Where is Map

Where is Amazon Rainforest?

Where is the Amazon rainforest mostly located?

The Amazon rainforest covers an area of 6.5 million km2. It is spread over the territory of as many as nine South American states and is the largest remaining rainforest on Earth. The largest portion, the size of which exceeds those of Western Europe, is located in Brazil. The state of health of this precious natural region is closely linked to that of the global climate: the rainforest stores 150 to 200 billion tons of carbon (C), equivalent to 367 to 733 gigatonnes of CO2. Its continued destruction causes the release into the atmosphere of huge amounts of CO2, with catastrophic consequences for the environment.

Where is the Amazon rainforest mostly located
Where is the Amazon rainforest mostly located

The Amazon rainforest is also very important for the extraordinary variety of species it hosts. An authentic jewel of nature, unique in the world. Ten percent of all known animal and plant species live here, including the Amazon River dolphin, jaguar and boa constrictor. Many men also depend for their survival on the resources offered by the forest: the region is inhabited by more than 500 indigenous peoples, often linked to very ancient traditions and uses.

Where is Amazon Rainforest
Where is Amazon Rainforest

It is estimated that 18 percent of the Amazon rainforest has already been destroyed and another 17 percent is damaged. If we do not immediately run for cover, introducing more environmentally friendly ways of managing resources and implementing laws aimed at protecting it, our generation will witness the disappearance of this priceless natural heritage.

Amazon Rainforest
Amazon Rainforest

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