What Continent is Venezuela in?
Is Venezuela in South America or Latin America?
SUPERFICIE ……………………………… 912.050 kmq
POPOLAZIONE ………………………… 25.017.387 ab.
DENSITA’ ………………………………….. 27,4 ab / kmq
CAPITALE …………………………………. Caracas
LINGUE …………………………………….. Spagnolo (ufficiale)
RELIGIONE ……………………………….. Nominalmente Cattolici Romani 96%; Protestanti 2%; altri 2%
MONETA …………………………………… Bolivar (VEB)
INDICE SVILUPPO UMANO ……….. 0,55 (73 ° posto)
PUNTO PIU ‘ BASSO ………………….. Mar dei Caraibi 0 m
PUNTO PIU ‘ ALTO …………………….. Pico Bolivar (La Columna) 5007 m
COSTITUZIONE …………………………. 1811
FORMA ISTITUZIONALE ……………. Repubblica Federale
DOMINIO WEB ………………………….. . ve
CODICE PAESE ……………………….. +58
A state of South America, it borders on O and SO with Colombia, a S and SE with Brazil, A And with Gu. It faces N the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.
In the NO sector of the country rises the Andean Cordillera, a branch of the Colombian Cordillera Oriental, from which it is separated by the high course of the Apure river, a tributary of the Orinoco, and by the Rio Zulia, which flows into Lake Maracaibo. The Andean mountain system is divided into two chains, the easternmost of which develops from S to N along the border with Colombia in the Sierra di Perià; from SO to NE winds the Cordillera de Merida, which is the main Venezuelan mountain formation, highest in the western sector, where the peaks of La Columna (with Pico Bolivar, the largest in the country), the glaciers of La Concha (4875 m), The Garza (4992 m), The Corona (with Pico Humboldt, 4945 m, and Pico Bompland, 4894 m) and the isolated massifs of El Toro (4760 m m) and El Leon (4695 m).
The coastal reliefs are articulated in two separate chains: the cordillera of the Coast, more northern, steep and deeply engraved by streams, which develops with a maximum altitude of 2600 m along the sea to the Gulf of Barcelona: and the Serrania del Interior, more southern, which reaches modest heights. The valleys that open in the depression between the two ranges and the coastal region concentrate a rather high percentage of the Venezuelan population and welcome the major urban centers, including the capital Caracas. In and of this region flows the Orinoco River, the largest river in the country. S dell’orinoco extends the Gua massiccioAna massif, a relief of remote archaeozoic origin flattened by erosion, which occupies almost half of the Venezuelan territory, with average heights between 600 and 700 m and maximum peaks around 2500 m. The territory, almost uninhabited, is rich in mineral resources (gold deposits, diamonds, iron ores).