What Continent is Hungary in?
Is Hungary in Asia Or Europe?
Official name : Hungary (HU)
Form of government : republic with a legislative chamber (National Assembly [199])
Head of State : Katalin Novák (since May 10, 2022)
Head of government : Viktor Orbán (since May 29, 2010)
Capital : Budapest
Area : 93,025 km2
Official language : Hungarian
Official religion : none
Monetary unit:forint (HUF)
Population (estim.):9 574 000 (2024)
Density (estim.):102.90 hab./km2 (2024)
Urban-rural distribution:urban population: 71.90% (2020)
rural population: 28.10% (2020)
Population projection 2030
9 377 000
Birth rate:9,50 ‰ (2019)
Mortality rate:13,30 ‰ (2019)
Fertility rate.
1,49 (2019)
Life expectancy at birth.:women: 77.5 years old (2021)
men: 71.0 years old (2021)
Literacy of 15 years and over
women : –
men : –
Human development index
0,854 (2019)
R.N.B. per capita (USD)
19 010 $ (2022)
What language does Hungary speak?
What do Hungarians call their own country?
What is the country Hungary called now?