What Continent is Palestine in? | Where is Map

What Continent is Palestine in?

The State of Palestine consists of two distinct and non-contiguous territories, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

The West Bank borders Jordan to the east and is surrounded to the north, west and south by the State of Israel. It includes part of the shores of the Dead Sea, part of the Jordan River valley and the mountainous territory further east. The climate is semi-arid, but soil fertility is ensured by streams and irrigation.

Is Palestine a part of Asia Or Europe
Is Palestine a part of Asia Or Europe

Is Palestine a part of Asia Or Europe?

surface: 6.220 km2

population: 4,543,126

density: 730 ab./ km2

political order: parliamentary rep

capital: East Jerusalem (claimed), Ramallah (de facto)

urban population: 76%

language: Arabic, Hebrew

religion: Muslim

currency: Jordanian dinar, new sheqel

GDP per capita ( $ ): 3000 (Italy = 32,000)

human development index: 0.686 (119 posto

life expectancy: M 73 / F 77


What Continent is Palestine in
What Continent is Palestine in

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