What continent is Bangladesh in
Is Bangladesh part of India or Asia?
Bangladesh is a country on the Indian sub-continent, which gained independence from Pakistan in 1971 Bangladesh is a country that is located on the Indian sub continent. It is bordered for most of the territory by India, and for a part by Ma Burma. In the south it is washed by the Bay of Bengal.
This state along with Indian Bengal has the highest concentration of Bengali population in the world. Bangladesh gained independence from Pakistan in 1971 only because of the war of independence in which it was helped by neighboring India which had just lost a war against Pakistan, and also because in the event of a high war Pakistan could launch an attack from both fronts against the Indians.
Throughout the existence of the state of Bangladesh,military regimes have alternated with a democracy that was established only in 1991, and since then there has been relative calm and stability in the state, which has led to mild economic development, which compared to its great neighbors such as Pakistan, India and China seems almost nothing.
The economy of this state is based mainly on the fish trade, which is found in abundance in this region and which is also the first source of food for the Bengalis.
This is a very fertile territory due to the monsoons and since there are the mouths of the Ganges and Brahamatra rivers.
What country does Bangladesh belong to?
Is Bangladesh part of Asia or Africa?
Is Bangladesh Asia or not?