Rarest Flowers In The World | Where is Map

Rarest Flowers In The World

12. Kokio

The koki’o, or Hibiscus arnottianus, is endemic to the wet mountain forests of Oahu and Moloka’i. the plant itself is a shrub, or short tree, that grows between 15 and 20 feet tall. The smooth, dark green leaves are 4 to 6 long with bright red veins and stems. The flowers are white, 4 inches wide and grow at the end of the branches. White is an interesting color for the hibiscus family because most of the flowers are red or orange. The subspecies immaculatus is extremely rare and grows only in a few valleys on the island of Moloka’i.

Rarest Flowers In The World
Rarest Flowers In The World

11. Rothschild’s Slipper Orchid

Rothschild’s slipper orchid, one of the rarest flowers in the world, is characterized by its red stripes and long petals on the side. It can only grow in the rainforests of Mount Kinabalu in northern Borneo, a large Asian island. The growth path is even more limited by altitude, growing only between 1,640 and 3,930 feet above sea level. Not only is this flower rare, but it can take up to 15 years to bloom. Because it is so hard to find, this orchid has a great value on the black market, where it sells for as much as $ 5,000 per stem. This high cost makes them a target for smugglers who further threaten the already fragile existence.

10. Juliet Rose

The Juliet Rose is the most expensive rose ever developed, costing its maker $ 3 million over the course of 15 years. But all this time and effort yielded a unique, peach-colored rose. It was first shown publicly in 2006 at the Chelsea Flower Show. Due to its hollow shape, with pale petals surrounding deeper colored petals, this Rose has become popular for bridal bouquets.

9. Ghost Orchid

The ghost orchid is native to Florida, Cuba and the Bahamas and prefers the habitat found deep in cypress swamps where a very specific fungus lives. It has developed photosynthetic roots that help gather nutrients for the fungus in exchange for sugar. The flower is white with long, thin petals and two lower petals that sweep from the bottom. The ghost orchid is rare and endangered, relying on the sphinx moth to pollinate it at night. Habitat destruction and over-Gathering have led to a population decline.

8. Yellow and Purple Lady Slipper

Yellow and purple lady’s slippers, one of the rarest flowers in the world, belong to the orchid family and can be found in England and Europe. The lower petal forms a hollowed-out area resembling a shoe, hence the name. They are so rare that botanists thought they were extinct until 1917 when a plant was discovered in England on a golf course. The yellow and purple lady’s Slipper is now protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981. Smugglers have tried to dig it up and even cut out part of the flowers. Today there are only six flowers left.

7. Fire Lily

Fire lilies, also known as flame lilies, are a relatively common flower around the world. It has bright red, almost curled petals and can climb to about 12 feet tall. Although toxic to humans, it is also used for medicinal purposes. This pharmaceutical use has led to over-cultivation in some areas; it is now rare in Sri Lanka and nearly extinct in Orissa. It is considered an invasive species in other countries, such as Australia, the Cook Islands, and French Polynesia.

6. Middlemist Red

The middlemist red flower resembles a Rose and is bright pink in color. Originally from China, it was brought to England in 1804, became extremely popular, and is now extinct in China. The only 2 known remaining red middleage flowers grow in captivity. One is in a botanical garden in New Zealand and the other is in a greenhouse in England.

5. Franklin Tree Flower

The Franklin tree flower belongs to the tea group, but is the only one of its kind. The plant has dark green leaves that turn red in the fall and produces a 5-petalled, white flower with a bright yellow center. It is native to the Altamaha River Valley in Georgia, a state in the southeastern U.S. The plant was first discovered in 1765 when George was still a British colony. Net was named after Benjamin Franklin and published in a 1785 catalog of North American trees and shrubs. The Franklin tree flower is now an extremely popular garden plant, but it has been extinct in the wild since the early 1800s. Its extinction may have been caused by a fungal disease introduced by cotton crops, although that is only a theory. Today, the existing plants are descended from the seeds that were collected in the 1700s.

4. Chocolate Cosmos

The chocolate cosmo also finds its place among the rarest plants in the world. It is native to Mexico and produces rich, reddish brown coloured flowers. Like other flowers on this list, it is no longer present in the wild. The last time the chocolate cosmo occurred naturally was over 100 years ago. Botanical enthusiasts began to propagate the plant in 1902. In fact, this flower does not produce seeds and must be propagated through tissue culture or root division. Today it is used as an ornamental plant.

3. Jade Vine

The jade vine has a very interesting bluish, mint-green color. This beautiful flower comes from the Philippine rainforest, where it hangs up to about 3 meters long. It is a member of the pea and bean family. Deforestation has destroyed its habitat and the plant is now considered endangered. The jade vine is difficult to grow in captivity due to the lack of its natural pollinator, bats.

2. Kadupul Flower

The Kadupul flower, also known as Queen of the Night, is a cactus blossom. This flower grows in Sri Lanka, India, Japan, China and several Latin American countries. The Kadupul is a rare, beautiful flower surrounded by folklore and legends due to its nocturnal flowering activity. This large, white blossom opens only at night and by morning, Withers and closes. In the wild, this plant grows in decaying matter trapped in the branches of trees.

1. Corpse flower

The corpse flower is one of the most endangered in the world. It is found only in the lowland rains of Indonesia and has a symbiotic relationship with the Tetrastigma vine, which it relies on for its survival. The corpse flower has no roots, no leaves and no stem. It obtains nutrition from the Tetrastigma Vine. When in bloom, its pungent scent attracts flies and carrion beetles that help pollinate the flower. Flowering occurs only once every decade or so and can reach up to 10 feet in height. The flower appears to consist of a single petal, green on the outside and burgundy red to purple on the inside, surrounding a large conical Center.

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