Where is Rhode Island State? Where is Rhode Island Located in The World? Rhode Island State Map
Where is Rhode Island State?
Adrian Block, the Dutch Explorer of this area, called Islands, according to the color of your earth, “De Roode IJland”. The name “Rhode Island” developed from this, since Dutch was not too common, first for the largest island, then for several islands and a coastline.
The Situation today is that the capital (and largest city), Providence, of the state of Rhode Island, is located on the mainland.
Although Rhode Island is only slightly larger than the Austro-Hungarian Burgenland, the state offers a lot of culture, Phantastic coasts and very restful Islands, the most harvested of which is the very sparsely populated Block Island.
Newport – this city is located on Rhode Island – is one of the oldest white settlements in the United States. The tower was built by the Knights Templar who fled from Europe in the 12th century.
Where is Rhode Island Located in The World?
Facts & Figures
Time Zone: Eastern Time
Climate: variable
Population density: 331.82 inhabitants / sq km
Population growth: 0.9% (2000-2007)
geographical indications: highest point: Jerimoth Hill in Providence (277 m)
lowest point: Atlantic ocean (sea level)
Coastline: 64 km
agricultural products: nursery products, vegetables
wooded area: 60.3 %
Annual income (2000): average: $ 36,699 (99.2% US average)
Teacher: $ 52.200
Unemployment rate (1999): 4.1 %
Poverty rate (2000): 11.2 %
state tax: 7 %
Neighbouring States: Connecticut, Massachusetts
tourist information
Intercontinental airports: in Rhode Island no
Interstate: 95 (43 m)
295 (Providence, 24 m)
Maximum Speed: 65 Miles/Hour (Intercity Interstates)
55 miles/hour (other roads)
other traffic rules: compulsory seat belt: yes
Helmet required: up to the age of 21 years
Restraint system for children under 4 years
it is forbidden to set the automatic to “neutral
Overnight at the edge of the road: only at specially marked rest areas allowed
Rhode Island State Map
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