Where is New Hampshire State? Where is New Hampshire Located in The World? New Hampshire State Map
Where is New Hampshire State?
Unlike other New England states, New Hampshire is still highly agricultural.
Although there are no significant natural parks here, the visitor can still get to know the area of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern immensely different landscapes.
The shore with numerous state parks is interesting and not crowded. Also in the interior of the country there are numerous state parks, often with campsites. Near Laconia is Lake Winnipesaukee, the centre of an extensive lake area.
The White Mountains invite you to hike in the summer. In Winter you can also ski here. In the northernmost part, on the border with Québec, New Hampshire reaches a height of more than 2,000 meters.
Where is New Hampshire Located in The World?
Facts & Figures
Time Zone: Eastern Time
Climate: very different and small-scale, determined by the height and proximity to the coast
Population density: 54.73 inhabitants / sq km
Population growth: 6.5% (2000-2007)
geographical indications: highest point: Mount Washington in Coos County (2,143 m)
lowest point: Atlantic ocean (sea level)
Coastal length: 21 km
agricultural products: dairy products, nursery products, hay, vegetables, maple syrup
forest area: 99.4 %
Annual income (2000): average: $ 42,023 (113.6% US average)
Teacher: $ 38.200
Unemployment rate (1999): 2.7 %
Poverty rate (2000): 7.5 %
state tax: no local VAT !
Neighbouring States: Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont
tourist information
Intercontinental airports: in New Hampshire no
Interstates: 89 (61 m), 93 (131 m), 95 (17 m)
293 (Manchester, 8 m)
Maximum Speed: 65 Miles/Hour (Interstates)
55 miles/hour (other roads)
other traffic rules: compulsory seat belt: no
Helmet required: up to the age of 18 years
Restraint system for children under 4 years
Overnight at the side of the road: allowed if not expressly forbidden
Attention ! New Hampshire is not subject to compulsory motor insurance
New Hampshire State Map
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