Where is the Repair Shop Located
norteNada pero bueno happens in The Repair Shop, a totally commendable TV show in which nice men and women bring loved but damaged objects to a team of equally nice craftsmen who will repair them and leave them like new. At the beginning of each show, we see an old thatched barn as Bill Paterson’s reassuring voice sets the scene. This is a place where “precious and faded treasures are restored to their former glory”; where “craft skills inherited from generation to generation”are exercised; a place where, no less important, the conversation between owners and restaurateurs “discovers the history” within each object.
Inside the barn, the craftsmen are already working: sanding, sawing, sewing, filling, honing, painting, welding, hammering, chiseling. The barn is pretty real. It was built around 1700 for a farm in Hampshire and moved 40 years ago to the Weald and Downland Living Museum in West Sussex, where the series was filmed. But as far as the royal barns are concerned, the repair shop is unusually elegant, its wooden structure is robust, its immaculate cane roof and its beautifully lit interior.
Can I visit the repair shop location?
Can you go and visit the repair shop?
Do they pay for the repairs on the repair shop?
Who pays for the repairs on the repair shop?