Where is Worcester Polytechnic Institute Located? What City is Worcester Polytechnic Institute in
What is Worcester Polytechnic Institute known for?
Worcester Polytechnic Institute was founded in 1865. It is located in Worchester, Massachusetts. It is a private institute with approximately 4,157 students currently enrolled.
It offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in the fields of Science, Engineering, Technology, Administration, Social Sciences and Humanities and literature; it grants Bachelor of Arts, Master of Science, Master of Engineering, Master of Business Administration degrees and Ph. D. degrees in Literature. The institute also offers numerous distance learning programs and pre-vocational programs.
Is Worcester Polytechnic Institute hard to get into?
Is WPI an Ivy League school?
Is WPI public or private?
How much does it cost to go to Worcester State?
How competitive is WPI?
Is WPI worth the money?
How do I get into Worcester Polytechnic Institute?
Why is WPI ranked so low?