Where is Fort McHenry National Monument? How do you get to Fort McHenry?
Where is Fort McHenry National Monument?
State Of Maryland
Art National Monument & Historic Shrine
Location the park is located about 3 miles from Baltimore near I 95.
founded in 1939
Brief information in 1812, an important battle took place here in the American War of independence. From this battle results the national anthem “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Although never of military importance since then, the Fort remained an active military post until the beginning of the 19th century. A special focus of the park today is the preservation of the memory of the American national anthem, which also explains its designation as a “national shrine”.
Activities the highlight of the visit is the twice-daily flag change with The Associated ceremony
Visitors 673.982 (2002)
Size about 18 ha
Opening hours open daily from 8 am to 5 pm, in summer until 8 pm
Admission 5 $ per Person, children under 17 years free
Getting there MTA buses stop not far from the entrance gate
Facilities Star Fort Museum: collection of historical and military exhibits visitor center: souvenir shop and introductory video
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