Where is Pappajohn Sculpture Park?
Address: 1330 Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA 50309
Hours: Closes soon: 12AM ⋅ Opens 6AM Sat
Phone: (515) 237-1386
You don’t have to travel to Des Moines to see the Pappajohn Sculpture Park, which was built in 2009. But it is definitely worth a walk. Perhaps because it is located at the western end of Downtown and you can relax from shopping or in connection with a visit to the state Capitol Building with its 24-carat golden dome.
The sculptures were donated by philanthropist couple Mary and John Papajohn for $ 40 million. There is an excellent selection have been made that also delights children. As an example, the letter head is to be mentioned, in which one can enter. The whole thing is to watch as an open-air museum and the right place to have art and culture festivals take place (in August). The son of our hosts was thrilled to run back and forth between the huge sculptures for him.