Being a strong women is not easy but with the faith off God we are blessed.
Hi everyone. Im new here. Being a strong women is not easy but with the faith off God we are blessed. Here is why I’m blessed with being strong.
10 years ago I lost the love of my life to the heavens above, after 25 years of marriage, and one child he called baby girl. 2 years later I met a man that swept me off my feet and I remarried a year later just to find out 4 years later he was still married to someone else.
Found out he was using me for my Money and the things I had. then a year in half later I met a man that again swept me off my feet and still to this day he is my best friend, and we are together but not without struggles. In January of this year I was diagnosed with a very rare blood disorder called TTP 1-3 people out of a million have it with a 93% mortality rate.
In the hospital for 3 month going through plasma exchange and chemotherapy. During this time he didn’t believe the doctors I had this thing and blamed himself for me being sick.
And he left me there by myself. I am still by myself going through all this on a out patient treatment program only because he drives truck and we need the health insurance. So being strong and positive is truly a blessing Knowing I will go through this the rest of my life.