Where is Oahu Diving? Where can I dive in Oahu?
Where is Oahu Diving?
Colorful Coral Heads. Bright yellow smell. Rainbow runner. And of course the state fish of Hawaii, the humuhumunukunukuapuaa. With 1,200 miles of coral reef on the Hawaiian Islands, snorkeling and diving are two of our most popular water activities. On Oahu, a leap under the waves reveals a whole new world.
Don’t be put off by the name of Shark’s Cove on the North Shore – this rocky cove with clear, shallow water is one of the best snorkeling and beach diving spots in the world (and no, sharks aren’t common here) . Shark’s Cove is best explored in the summer months, as Winter brings massive swell for the Big Wave Season.
How much does it cost to scuba dive in Honolulu?
Where can you dive in Hawaii?
Is scuba diving in Hawaii good?
Can you scuba dive in Hawaii without certification?
Do I need a wetsuit to dive in Hawaii?