Where is Bahia Honda State Park? How much does it cost to get into Bahia Honda State Park?
Where is Bahia Honda State Park?
Address: 36850 Overseas Hwy, Big Pine Key, FL 33043
Phone: (305) 872-2353
Bahia Honda State Park is located at Milemaker 37, just behind the Seven Mile Bridge. Well signposted you can not overlook it. Nevertheless, we almost drove by or rather turned around again.
Sandspur Beach-Bahia Honda State Parkwith 4.5$ per Person but quite heavy admission would have scared us almost again. If you stay all day this is of course not an issue, but we just wanted to take a look around. But the price is quite heavy, but we have holidays, so pure in the Park and away with the coal. We can save at home. :-))
As you can easily see on this page, it was the right decision. Bahia Honda State Park is a real gem that 99% of Key West visitors pass carelessly. We also attended our first Key West visit. The park is 212 ha and offers a total of 4 km of beautiful sandy beaches with Calusa Beach on the Gulf of Mexico and Sandspur Beach on the Atlantic Ocean. With these two beaches, Bahia Honda State Park offers the most beautiful beaches in the entire Florida Keys. We drive first to Sandspur Beach on the Atlantic side. On the Long Beach there are changing facilities and sanitary facilities. Besides us, there are almost only Americans here.
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