Where is Vietnam Veterans Memorial? Where is the Vietnam Memorial Wall located?
Where is Vietnam Veterans Memorial?
Vietnam Veterans Memorial: in 1979 came the idea of various veterans ‘ associations to create a Symbol of remembrance. This monument is dedicated to all the 58156 American soldiers of the US Armed Forces who died or did not return during the Vietnam War because they are still considered missing.
The black granite slabs are together 300 m long. The USA joined in 1964
they entered the war and had to admit in January 1973 that they could not win this war. On both sides there were countless dead and injured. In this monument are engraved all the names of the American soldiers who left their lives in Vietnam. In 1982,a group of three figures (three soldiers with guns) by sculptor Fredrick Hart was added, around which there were some protests, as the simplicity of the monument was believed to be in danger. In 1993, the monument was again supplemented by a group of women caring for a wounded man. Very often one sees relatives commemorating their deceased here and laying flowers or wreaths. You can find this memorial not far from the Lincoln Memorial located directly on the Mall. Take the Metro to get off at Smithsonian or Foggy Bottem. From both stations, however, it is still about 10-15 minutes walk.
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