Where is Oman? What Country and Continent is Oman?
Where is Oman? What Country and Continent is Oman? – Where is Oman Located in The World? / Oman Map – Oman is located on the southeast coast of the Arabian Peninsula in Southwest Asia and is a Middle Eastern country. Oman is located in the north-west of the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia to the West, and Yemen to the South.
Where is Oman?
South and east of the country is the Indian Ocean, northeast of the Gulf of Basra. Oman has an area of 309.500 square kilometers. The country is ruled by absolute monarchy. Oman consists of 4 regions and Muscat is both the capital of the country and the largest city. The official language of the country is Arabic. Besides Arabic, Baluchi, Kumzari, Mehri, English and Hobyot languages are spoken in the country.
Quick facts
Population | 3,090,150 |
Density | 10.0 / km2 ( 25.9 / mi2 ) |
Language | Arabic |
Independence Year | 1741 |
Capital | Muscat (Muhafazat Masqat) |
Currency | Rial Omani |
GDP | 81,796,618,986 (2014 data) |
GDP per Capita | 26,470 (2014 data) |
Land Area | 309,500 km2 (119,499 mi2) |
Neighbouring Countries | Yemen, Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates |
Minimum Longitude | 52.000 |
Maximum Longitude | 59.840 |
Mininum Latitude | 16.650 |
Maximum Latitude | 26.390 |
The official religion of Oman is Islam. The country’s currency is Oman. Oman has a warm and dry climate. The best time to visit Oman, one of the hottest countries in the world, is between October and April. Oman requests a visa for visits. There are direct flights to muskat from America.
Map of Oman
Picture of Oman
Is Oman a safe country?
Where is Oman found?
Where is Oman currency?
Can you drink alcohol in Oman?
Is it safe in Muscat?