Where is Palau? / Where is Palau Located in The World? / Palau Map | Where is Map

Where is Palau? / Where is Palau Located in The World? / Palau Map

Where is Palau? / Where is Palau Located in The World? / Palau Map – Palau is located in the west of the Pacific Ocean, consists of 250 islands and a country. Palau is located on the Oceania continent. Palau is located in the north of Papua New Guinea.

Where is Palau?

The Government of Palau is Republic. The city of Ngerulmud is located on the island of Babelodab and is the capital of Palau. Palau is the most populous Island in the country, koror Island and has a population of about 20 thousand. The official languages of Palau are English, Palau, and Japanese. The country’s currency is U.S. dollars.

Quick facts

Population 21,032
Density 45.8 / km2 ( 118.7 / mi2 )
Languages Palauan, English
Independence Year 1994
Capital Melekeok (Melekeok)
Currency US Dollar
GDP 250,625,563 (2014 data)
GDP per Capita 11,916 (2014 data)
Land Area 459 km2 (177 mi2)
Minimum Longitude 134.130
Maximum Longitude 134.650
Mininum Latitude 6.880
Maximum Latitude 7.730


Palau island has a tropical climate. It is suitable for every season to visit the country of Palau, which constantly sees sunny days. Palau is one of the countries that require a visa. Palau has International Airport in the country. Transfer from America to Palau is provided as a transfer.

Map of Palau

Picture of Palau

Where is Palau - Where is Palau Located in The World - Palau Map
Where is Palau – Where is Palau Located in The World – Palau Map

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