Where is Mariano Roque Alonso Located? What Country is Mariano Roque Alonso in? Mariano Roque Alonso Map | Where is Map

Where is Mariano Roque Alonso Located? What Country is Mariano Roque Alonso in? Mariano Roque Alonso Map

Where is Mariano Roque Alonso Located?

Mariano Roque Alonso (district, Paraguay) with population statistics, graphs, map and location.

What Country is Mariano Roque Alonso in?

Mariano Roque Alonzo Romero († 1853) was a famous citizen of Paraguay. Alonso or Alonzo, with his high performance and second consul in his life, became a Comandant in the army in 1840. Thus, “Mariano Roque Alonso” was chosen and since then this city has been named. This optimal location has quickly made the city a commercial and industrial city and annually hosts the largest Expo in Paraguay, where economy and Industry show their latest products.

Mariano Roque Alonso Map

Where is Mariano Roque Alonso Located? What Country is Mariano Roque Alonso in? Mariano Roque Alonso Map
Where is Mariano Roque Alonso Located? What Country is Mariano Roque Alonso in? Mariano Roque Alonso Map

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