Where is Osorno Located? What Country is Osorno in? Osorno Map
Where is Osorno Located?
Chile is in South America, sandwiched between the Andes mountains and the Pacific ocean, and is a 4300km, the longest country in the world, this is about as far as from Norway to the Sahara, accordingly, the climate in Chile is quite different. In the North is the Atacama, the driest desert in the world, in the South huge glaciers of eternal ice.
What Country is Osorno in?
The name Chile comes from an indigenous language and Means “country where the world is over”, comprehensible, considering that further south is only the Antarctic. In Chile, we speak mainly Spanish (but somewhat different from what we learn at school). Despite the earthquakes, the volcanic eruption and the tsunami danger, Chile is considered the safest country of South America and also has the highest HDI (= development level). The capital is Santiago de Chile and is located approximately in the middle of the country. In Chile, by the way, there are also Penguins.