Flag of Chile | Where is Map

Flag of Chile

Chile is a state of South America, located between 66 ° 59 ‘-75 ° 39′ west longitude and 17° 36’ -56° 59 ° south latitude stretches along the coasts of the Pacific Ocean for a length of about 2000 kilometers with a width of 220, and has as bollards to the North Peru, to the Northeast Bolivia, to the East Argentina; capital, Santiago.

The soil gradually rises from the coast to the Andes, which separate Chile from the interior of South America. These mountains contain a large number of volcanoes that are still erupting. They contain the richest mines of gold, silver, iron, copper and tin. The main rivers are the Guasco, the Maypo, the Maule, the Quillota, the Valdivia.

Flag of Chile
Flag of Chile

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