Where is Södertälje Located? What Country is Södertälje in? Södertälje Map
Where is Södertälje Located?
The town of Södertälje is located in central Sweden in the homonymous municipality of Södertälje in the historical province (Landskap) Södermanland in län Stockholm län.
What Country is Södertälje in?
Södertälje has a population of 64,619 and is 25.84 km2. According to this, 2,500 people live in the place (computationally) on a km2.
In the municipality of Södertälje (525 km2 land area + 85 km2 water area) live 91,683 people, ie about 175 per km2.
For comparison: In Södermanland 151 live, in Sweden, 21 in Schleswig-Holstein, 178 and, in Germany, 226 inhabitants on a square kilometre.
Södertälje Map
How far is Sodertalje from Stockholm?
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How populous is Södertälje?