Where is Macedonia? Located in The World? Macedonia Map | Where is Map

Where is Macedonia? Located in The World? Macedonia Map

Where is Macedonia? / Where is Macedonia Located in The World? / Macedonia Map – Macedonia – the country located in the northern part of the Balkan Peninsula, has a common southern border with Greece, northern with Yugoslavia, the western boundary is common with Albania, and the eastern one – with Bulgaria.

Where is Macedonia?

The only Balkan country without going to sea is the Republic of Macedonia, although it has a very good location: in the bowels of the country there are minerals, precious metals, but their extraction is still delayed due to the small reserves of the deposit currently, Macedonia continues to be one of the most unexplored countries in Europe.7

What country is Macedonia in today?

Its majestic historic ruins, pastoral villages, pieces of a natural paradise in the mountains are still a mystery to many. To come here means not only discovering all these treasures, but also to be in the center of one of the most contrasting blending of cultures.

Quick facts

Population 2,082,370
Density 81.9 / km2 ( 212.1 / mi2 )
Language Macedonian
Independence Year 1991
Capital Skopje (Karpos)
Currency Denar
GDP 11,323,761,624 (2014 data)
GDP per Capita 5,438 (2014 data)
Land Area 25,433 km2 (9,820 mi2)
Water Area 280 km2 (108 mi2)
Neighbouring Countries Albania, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia
Minimum Longitude 20.460
Maximum Longitude 23.030
Mininum Latitude 40.850
Maximum Latitude 42.370


Map of Macedonia

Picture of Macedonia

Where is Macedonia - Where is Macedonia Located in The World - Macedonia Map
Where is Macedonia – Where is Macedonia Located in The World – Macedonia Map


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