Where is West Virginia State? Where is West Virginia Located in The World? West Virginia State Map
Where is West Virginia State?
A look at the map shows: West Virginia has a bizarre shape. This is due to the fact that West Virginia belonged to the Commonwealth of Virginia until 1861. In the American Civil War, the western Counties of Virginia refused to join the southern states.
The result of this dispute: West Virginia in its present borders. The countries developed very differently after the separation. While the East was agricultural, West Virginia succeeded early industrialization. West Virginia became wealthy.
Meanwhile, the old industries have largely disappeared. At present, West Virginia is one of the few American states whose population and prosperity are declining.
The country has remained over the times a wonderful mountain landscape, which is very small and although the visitor does not have a national park, but offers a lot of recreation.
Where is West Virginia Located in The World?
Facts & Figures
Time Zone: Eastern Time
Climate: humid continental climate, with the exception of marine influence in the extreme East
Population density: 28.87 inhabitants / sq km
Population growth: 0.2% (2000-2007)
geographical indications: highest point: Spruce Knob in Pendleton County (1,657 m)
lowest point: Potomac River in Jefferson County (82 m)
agricultural products: Apples, peaches, hay, tobacco, Corn, wheat, oats
forest area: 92.7 %
Annual income (2000): average: $ 27,432 (74.1% US average)
Teacher: $ 35,000
Unemployment rate (1999): 6.6 %
Poverty rate (2000): 16.8 %
state tax: 6 %
Neighbouring States: Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia
tourist information
Intercontinental airports: West Virginia none
Interstates: 64 (184 m), 68( 32 m), 70 (14 m), 77 (186 M), 79 (160 m), 81 (26 m)
Maximum Speed: 70 Miles/Hour (Intercity Interstates)
65 miles / hour (non-cross roads)
55 miles/hour (other roads)
other traffic rules: Belt and helmet requirements
Restraint system for children under 3 years
Overnight at the side of the road: allowed where it is not expressly forbidden
West Virginia State Map
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