Where is South Korea? Located in The World? South Korea Map
Where is South Korea? / Where is South Korea Located in The World? / South Korea Map – South Korea is a country located in Northeast Asia. South Korea covers about 45 percent of the Korean Peninsula. South Korea is located in the south of the Korean Peninsula.
Where is South Korea?
South Korea’s neighbors North Korea and China in the north, west sea in the West, East Sea in the East and beyond Japan. South Korea has a land border only with North Korea. The capital of South Korea is Seoul, one of the world’s most populous cities. The city of Busan is South Korea’s second largest and most important city.
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The official language of South Korea is Korean. The country’s currency is South Korea’s wonder. The majority of South Korean people believe in Buddhism. There are also believers in Christianity, Confucianism and shamanism in the country. The country is a vibrant city for Four Seasons. You can visit South Korea easily every season. South Korea does not require a visa for travel not exceeding 90 days. There are direct flights from all over the world and from America to South Korea.
Quick facts
Population | 48,860,500 |
Density | 504.1 / km2 ( 1,305.7 / mi2 ) |
Language | Korean |
Independence Year | 1948 |
Capital | Seoul (Seoul) |
Currency | Won |
GDP | 1,410,000,000,000 (2014 data) |
GDP per Capita | 28,858 (2014 data) |
Land Area | 96,920 km2 (37,421 mi2) |
Water Area | 2,800 km2 (1,081 mi2) |
Neighbouring Country | North Korea |
Minimum Longitude | 125.080 |
Maximum Longitude | 130.930 |
Mininum Latitude | 33.200 |
Maximum Latitude | 38.610 |
Map of South Korea
Picture of South Korea
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