Where is San Marino? / Where is San Marino Located in The World? / San Marino Map
Where is San Marino? / Where is San Marino Located in The World? / San Marino Map – San Marino is located on a small hill above the Apene mountains in the Italian Peninsula in Southern Europe and is a city state. San Marino is surrounded by Italy all over the country. San Marino is Europe’s third smallest country after Vatican and Monaco.
Where is San Marino?
San Marino country consists of 9 administrative regions. San Marino country is a Democratic Republic governed by the multiparty representative democracy system. San Marino is the capital of the country and also the country’s largest city, San Morino. The city of “San morino” is also located on Monte titano. The official language of the country of San Marino is Italian. The currency of the country is Euro.
Quick facts
Population | 32,140 |
Density | 526.9 / km2 ( 1,364.6 / mi2 ) |
Language | Italian |
Independence Year | 301 |
Capital | San Marino (San Marino) |
Currency | Euro |
GDP | 1,899,879,955 (2008 data) |
GDP per Capita | 59,113 (2008 data) |
Land Area | 61 km2 (24 mi2) |
Neighbouring Country | Italy |
Minimum Longitude | 12.403 |
Maximum Longitude | 12.517 |
Mininum Latitude | 43.893 |
Maximum Latitude | 43.993 |
More than 97% of the people of San Marino belong to the Roman Catholic Church. The Mediterranean climate prevails in the country of San Marino. Summers are warm and winters are warm. The best date to visit the country is April and October. The country of San Marino demands a visa. There are flights from America to the country of San Marino.
Map of San Marino
Picture of San Marino