Where is Mozambique? / Where is Mozambique Located in The World? / Mozambique Map | Where is Map

Where is Mozambique? / Where is Mozambique Located in The World? / Mozambique Map

Where is Mozambique? / Where is Mozambique Located in The World? / Mozambique Map – Mozambique is an African country located on the coast of the Indian Ocean. Mozambique has remained in colonial occupation for many years. It is also one of the poorest and underdeveloped countries in the world.

Where is Mozambique?

Mozambique is located south of the African continent and on the coast of the Indian Ocean. Mozambique is located in the west of Zimbabwe, Svaziland to the southwest of South Africa, Malawi and Zambia to the northwest, Tanzania to the north.

Therefore, Mozambique is divided into three parts: South, Central and North, and the capital city of Maputo. The official language of Mozambique is Portuguese. Other than Portuguese, about 40 different local languages and dialects are used in the country.

Quick facts

Population 23,515,934
Density 29.9 / km2 ( 77.5 / mi2 )
Language Portuguese
Independence Year 1975
Capital Maputo (Maputo City)
Currency Mozambique Metical
GDP 16,385,584,919 (2014 data)
GDP per Capita 697 (2014 data)
Land Area 786,380 km2 (303,623 mi2)
Water Area 13,000 km2 (5,019 mi2)
Neighbouring Countries ZambiaZimbabweSwazilandTanzaniaSouth AfricaMalawi
Minimum Longitude 30.220
Maximum Longitude 40.850
Mininum Latitude -26.870
Maximum Latitude -10.480


In Addition, More than half of the population of Mozambique is Christians. There are also 17 percent Muslims in the country. The country’s currency is metallic. Mozambique has tropical climate and the ideal time to visit the country is between April and September when the weather is less humid and there are no rainfall. Mozambique is one of the countries requiring a visa. There are flights from America to the city of Maputo, the capital of Mozambique.

Map of Mozambique

Picture of Mozambique

Where is Mozambique - Where is Mozambique Located in The World - Mozambique Map
Where is Mozambique – Where is Mozambique Located in The World – Mozambique Map

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