Where is Iraq? Located in The World? Iraq Map | Where is Map

Where is Iraq? Located in The World? Iraq Map

Where is Iraq? / Where is Iraq Located in The World? / Iraq Map – Iraq is home to the world’s oldest civilizations and is located in the lower Mesopotamia region. In addition, Iraq is the largest country in the Gulf region after Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Where is Iraq?

Iraq’s surface area is 433,072 square kilometers. Iraq neighbors Turkey in the north, Syria and Jordan in the West, Iran in the East, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait in the South. Iraq consists of 18 regions and the capital of the country is also the city of Baghdad, the most populous city in the country. Iraq wants a visa. There are direct flights from Turkey to Baghdad, the capital of Iraq.

The official languages of Iraq are Arabic and Kurdish. In addition, Syriac, Assyrian and Turkmen are also spoken in the country. The country’s currency is the Iraqi dinar. Iraq constitutes 97% of the country’s population. There are also Christians living in the country besides Muslims. Iraq has a dry climate and the best time to go to Iraq is spring months.

Quick facts

Population 31,129,225
Density 71.2 / km2 ( 184.3 / mi2 )
Language Arabic
Independence Year 1932
Capital Baghdad (Mayorality of Baghdad)
Currency Iraqi Dinar
GDP 221,000,000,000 (2014 data)
GDP per Capita 7,099 (2014 data)
Land Area 437,367 km2 (168,868 mi2)
Water Area 950 km2 (367 mi2)
Neighbouring Countries Saudi ArabiaJordanSyriaKuwaitIranTurkey
Minimum Longitude 38.800
Maximum Longitude 48.580
Mininum Latitude 29.070
Maximum Latitude 37.380


Map of Iraq

Picture of Iraq

Where is Iraq - Where is Iraq Located in The World - Iraq Map
Where is Iraq – Where is Iraq Located in The World – Iraq Map

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