Where is Valdosta, Georgia? What County is Valdosta? Valdosta Map Located | Where is Map

Where is Valdosta, Georgia? What County is Valdosta? Valdosta Map Located

Where is Valdosta, Georgia?

The area described here includes Counties Lowndes, Atkinson, Ben Hill, Berrien, Charlton, Clinch, Coffee, Cook, Echols, Irwin, Lanier and Ware with the towns of Valdosta, Douglas, Fitzgerald and Waycross. It is located in the southern part of Georgia.

What County is Valdosta?

Shopping centres and amusement parks shape the surroundings of this city close to Florida. Valdosta was founded in 1860 as a railway town. Founded in 1858, Douglas is known for its agricultural products, mainly peanuts, corn and cotton. In 1895, Fitzgerald was established as a home for veterans of the Civil War and is an extraordinary example of a planned city.

The Okeefenokee swamp, located near the town of Waycross, is one of the largest swamp areas in the world. Okeefenokee means”fluctuating country”in German. The fluctuating country is only accessible to a very small extent. Fitzgerald and Waycross are among the poorest cities in Georgia.

Tallahassee FL 117 km, Jacksonville FL 188 km, Chicago IL 1.316 km

nearby cities
in Georgia: Brunswick, Macon, Thomasville, Tifton, Vidalia
in Florida: Jacksonville, Lake City, Tallahassee

Flights to Valdosta
There are no direct flights from Germany, Austria and Switzerland to Valdosta.
From Frankfurt, Munich, Düsseldorf and Stuttgart you can reach Valdosta with a one-time change with Delta Air Lines via Atlanta.

Valdosta Map Located

Where is Valdosta, Georgia? What County is Valdosta? Valdosta Map Located
Where is Valdosta, Georgia? What County is Valdosta? Valdosta Map Located

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