Where is Sweden? Located in The World? Sweden Map | Where is Map

Where is Sweden? Located in The World? Sweden Map

Where is Sweden? / Where is Sweden Located in The World? / Sweden Map – Sweden, officially the Kingdom of Sweden, is a Northern European country with 450,000 square kilometres of land. It is located on the western side of Sweden, bordering the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Botni.

Where is Sweden?

Constitutes a large part of the Scandinavian Peninsula, and is one of the most important parts of the Swedish Peninsula. Sweden is the border Neighbor of Norway and Finland. In addition, the country has borders with Denmark, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Russia. Sweden is composed of 20 cities and 290 municipalities and has a unitary state structure.

The capital city of the country is also the most populous city in Stockholm. The official language of the country is Swedish. The majority of the people of Sweden are Christian and believe in the Protestant sect. There are also Catholic, Orthodox and Muslims in the country. The best date to visit Sweden is between November and March. There are direct and transportable flights to Sweden from all over the world and from USA every day.

Quick facts

Population 9,103,788
Density 22.2 / km2 ( 57.5 / mi2 )
Language Swedish
Independence Year 1523
Capital Stockholm (Stockholm)
Currency Swedish Krona
GDP 571,000,000,000 (2014 data)
GDP per Capita 62,721 (2014 data)
Land Area 410,335 km2 (158,431 mi2)
Water Area 39,960 km2 (15,429 mi2)
Neighbouring Country Finland
Minimum Longitude 10.980
Maximum Longitude 24.160
Mininum Latitude 55.340
Maximum Latitude 69.060


Map of Sweden

Picture of Sweden

Where is Sweden - Where is Sweden Located in The World - Sweden Map
Where is Sweden – Where is Sweden Located in The World – Sweden Map

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