Where is Serbia? What Country and Continent is Serbia? | Where is Map

Where is Serbia? What Country and Continent is Serbia?

Where is Serbia? What Country and Continent is Serbia? – Serbia is located in the southeast of Europe and is a country. Serbia is bordered by Romania and Bulgaria in the East, Croatia in the West, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro in the South, Macedonia and Albania in the South, Hungary in the north.

Where is Serbia?

Serbia is governed by the parliamentary republic. Serbia consists of 5 statistical regions, 24 cities, 29 districts and 150 municipalities. Belgrade is the capital city of the country and also the largest city of the country. Belgrade is located on the plateau where the Danube and Sava rivers meet. The official language of Serbia is Serbian. In addition, the country is spoken in German, French, Russian, Spanish, English and Italian languages other than Serbian.

Quick facts

Population 7,276,604
Density 93.9 / km2 ( 243.3 / mi2 )
Language Serbian
Independence Year 1878
Capital Belgrade (Central Serbia)
Currency Serbian Dinar
GDP 43,866,423,167 (2014 data)
GDP per Capita 6,028 (2014 data)
Land Area 77,474 km2 (29,913 mi2)
Neighbouring Countries MacedoniaMontenegroHungaryBulgariaRomaniaCroatiaBosnia And Herzegovina, Romania
Minimum Longitude 18.820
Maximum Longitude 23.020
Mininum Latitude 41.840
Maximum Latitude 46.200


Serbia has a secular state system and has no official religion. But 85 percent of the country’s population is Orthodox Christians. There are also Catholics, Protestants, Muslims and atheists in the country. The country’s currency is the Serbian dinar.

Serbia has continental climate. Therefore, winters are cold and hard in the country, and summers are hot. Serbia does not require visas for visits not exceeding 90 days. There are direct flights from America to Belgrade, the capital of Serbia.

Map of Serbia

Picture of Serbia

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