Where is Sargasso Sea? Are there any islands in the Sargasso Sea? | Where is Map

Where is Sargasso Sea? Are there any islands in the Sargasso Sea?

Where is Sargasso Sea?

The Sargasso Sea is a Marine Area in the Atlantic Ocean east of Florida and south of the Bermuda Islands.

The Position is around 30 ° north latitude and 60 ° to 75 ° west longitude. This marine area, which is larger than Central Europe, lies in the vortex shadow of the Antilles current, which becomes the Gulf Stream off the coast of Florida. It is around 5,000 meters deep, the water is particularly clear. Due to the rotational forces of the currents, the sea level in the center is about one Meter above that of the surrounding Atlantic.

The name Sargassosee is derived from the large quantities of brown algae of the genus Sargassum floating freely in the water. These sargassum “forests” provide a special habitat for small crabs, worms and other marine animals.

Where is Sargasso Sea - Are there any islands in the Sargasso Sea
Where is Sargasso Sea – Are there any islands in the Sargasso Sea

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