Where is Pacific Coast Highway? Where does the Pacific Coast Highway start and end? | Where is Map

Where is Pacific Coast Highway? Where does the Pacific Coast Highway start and end?

Where is Pacific Coast Highway?

The legendary Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) was completed in the 1930s and is still considered a man-made masterpiece today.

With a total length of 900 km, it runs along the rugged and picturesque coast of California and is one of the most beautiful panoramic roads in the world. Here you should take your foot off the accelerator more often, because the surrounding mountains, majestic giant trees, extensive beaches and the infinite horizon are simply breathtaking. The PCH offers travelers a cross-section of what California is all about: outposts of pioneers, surf spots, farm fresh produce, regional wine, street stalls, the glittering world of Hollywood, and an alternative lifestyle. The route from San Francisco to San Diego is theoretically possible in one day, but there is much to see on the way. The Pacific Coast Highway has enough attractions for several days, a week or even longer.

Where is Pacific Coast Highway? Where does the Pacific Coast Highway start and end?
Where is Pacific Coast Highway? Where does the Pacific Coast Highway start and end?

Where does the Pacific Coast Highway stop?

Where should I go on the Pacific Coast Highway?

How long is Pacific Coast Highway?
Is it better to drive north or south on Pacific Coast Highway?

What is the most scenic part of the Pacific Coast Highway?

What is the best time of year to drive the Pacific Coast Highway?

How long does it take to drive from LA to San Francisco on the Pacific Coast Highway?

How long does it take to drive the Pacific Coast Highway from San Francisco to San Diego?

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