Where is Haiti? Located in The World? Haiti Map | Where is Map

Where is Haiti? Located in The World? Haiti Map

Where is Haiti? / Where is Haiti Located in The World? / Haiti Map – The territory of Haiti as if especially was created for relaxation. The Dominican Republic, which occupies the most part, is a paradise on earth, a secluded corner of the planet where rest can help any tourist.

Where is Haiti?

Incredible beauty landscapes, warm Caribbean water and slightly cool Atlantic Ocean, delicious local cuisine, tranquility, and pacification, that’s what Haiti is!

The island of Haiti is the second largest among the Greater Antilles. It is located in the West Indies, washed on one side by the Caribbean Sea, and on the other by the Atlantic Ocean. If you look at the map of the world, it will be seen that the island is located between Cuba and Puerto Rico.

Quick facts

Population 9,801,664
Density 355.6 / km2 ( 921.1 / mi2 )
Languages French, Haitian
Independence Year 1804
Capital Port-au-Prince (Ouest)
Currency Gourde
GDP 8,713,031,260 (2014 data)
GDP per Capita 889 (2014 data)
Land Area 27,560 km2 (10,641 mi2)
Water Area 190 km2 (73 mi2)
Neighbouring Country The Dominican Republic
Minimum Longitude -74.480
Maximum Longitude -71.610
Mininum Latitude 18.020
Maximum Latitude 20.090


Map of Haiti

Picture of Haiti

Where is Haiti - Where is Haiti Located in The World - Haiti Map
Where is Haiti – Where is Haiti Located in The World – Haiti Map

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