Where is Fairborn Ohio? What County is Fairborn in | Where is Map

Where is Fairborn Ohio? What County is Fairborn in

Fairborn is in United States (USA) (Greene County, Ohio) in America/New_York time zone. Nearby places are Huber Heights, Riverside and New Carlisle. There have been 79 violent crimes, 0 murders, 24 rapes, 26 burglary with intimidation, 29 assaults, 1,175 property crimes, 289 home burglaries, 836 burglaries, 50 vehicle thefts, 5 arsons in Fairborn, Ohio with a population of 32,352 in the last year.

Where is Fairborn Ohio
Where is Fairborn Ohio

Near Fairborn is located:

Huber Heights has a population of 38,101. Last year there were 84 violent crimes, 0 murders, 12 rapes, 46 robbery with intimidation, 26 assaults, 1,451 property crimes, 252 home burglaries, 1,144 robberies, 55 vehicle thefts, 24 arson.
In Ohio, the state where Fairborn is located, weighting the average to the population of Fairborn (the average city in Ohio has 18,651 inhabitants, Fairborn has 32,352), we obtain that for the same number of inhabitants there were: 155 violent crimes (compared to 79 in Fairborn, 49% more), 2 murders (0, 0), 15 rapes (24, 39% less), 76 robbery with intimidation (26, 66% more), 62 assaults ( 29, 53% more), 1,179 property crimes (1,175, -0% less), 373 residential burglaries (289, 23% more), 836 burglaries (836, 0% less), 89 vehicle thefts (50, 44% more), 14 arson attacks (5, 65% more).

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Which county is Fairborn Ohio?

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