Where is East Chicago Indiana? What County is East Chicago in | Where is Map

Where is East Chicago Indiana? What County is East Chicago in

The locality of East Chicago belongs (from largest to smallest) to the state of Indiana and to Lake County.

The town of East Chicago covers 41.84 km2, has 29,698 inhabitants (2010 census) and a density of 709.80 inhabitants per km2. The average altitude is 180 m.
The current mayor of East Chicago is George Pabey.
The French name of the town is East Chicago, the Spanish name is East Chicago.

Where is East Chicago Indiana
Where is East Chicago Indiana
East Chicago Indiana
East Chicago Indiana

In East Chicago, Indiana, with a population of 29,698, there were 249 violent crimes, 12 murders, 14 rapes, 141 robberies with intimidation, 82 assaults, 1,830 property crimes, 430 home burglaries, 1,189 robberies, 211 vehicle thefts, 10 arsons in the last year.

Near East Chicago is located:

Gary with a population of 80,294. Last year there were 661 violent crimes, 49 murders, 47 rapes, 289 robbery with intimidation, 276 assaults, 3,408 property crimes, 1,493 home burglaries, 1,069 robberies, 846 vehicle thefts, 69 arson.
Hammond with a population of 80,830. Last year there were 741 violent crimes, 11 murders, 30 rapes, 233 robbery with intimidation, 467 assaults, 3,754 property crimes, 938 home burglaries, 2,314 robberies, 502 vehicle thefts, 36 arson.

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