Where is Chambery Located? What Country is Chambery in? Chambery Map | Where is Map

Where is Chambery Located? What Country is Chambery in? Chambery Map

Where is Chambery Located?

Chambéry is located in France (département de la Savoie, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes) in the Europe/Paris time zone. Places of interest near Barberaz, Saint-Alban-Leysse and La Ravoire.

What Country is Chambery in?

Historical capital of the Savoie, Chambéry is a historical and artistic city that reveals numerous Trumps. The old town, admire the value restored is, invites the stroller, your mysterious alleys with a multitude of covered passages, its patrician houses, their facades with Trompe-l’oeil paintings, their charming courtyards, its Cathedral Saint-François-de-Sales contains the Trompe-l’oeil paintings, your castle, former residence of the counts and Dukes of Savoie, its pedestrian streets and discover its famous fountain of the elephant.

The visit continues with the Museum Savoisien, the archaeological and ethnographic collections are exhibited, and the Museum of fine arts, which contains a large number of Italian paintings. The square of Saint-Léger, very lively, is an inevitable place of the city to walk and rest at a Café terrace. The city also proposes a large number of cultural events with the Espace André Malraux, which is located in the district of Curial, and the theatre Charles Dullin.

Chambery Map

Where is Chambery Located? What Country is Chambery in? Chambery Map
Where is Chambery Located? What Country is Chambery in? Chambery Map

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