Where is Arcata California? What County is Arcata in | Where is Map

Where is Arcata California? What County is Arcata in

Arcata localisation : Country, State, California, Humboldt County, United States of America. Nearby cities and villages : Blue Lake and Eureka. There have been 50 violent crimes, 0 murders, 8 rapes, 10 burglary with intimidation, 32 assaults, 655 property crimes, 126 home burglaries, 490 burglaries, 39 vehicle thefts, 2 arsons in Arcata, California with a population of 17,231 in the last year.

Where is Arcata California
Where is Arcata California

Near Arcata is located:

Eureka has a population of 27,191. Last year there were 148 violent crimes, 1 murder, 7 rapes, 59 robbery with intimidation, 81 assaults, 1,395 property crimes, 480 home burglaries, 750 robberies, 165 vehicle thefts, 22 arson.
In California, the state where Arcata is located, weighting the average to the population of Arcata (the average city in California has 66,087 inhabitants, Arcata has 17,231), we obtain that for the same number of inhabitants there were: 82 violent crimes (compared to 50 in Arcata, 39% more), 1 murders (0, 0), 4 rapes (8, 50% less), 32 robbery with intimidation (10, 69% more), 45 assaults (32, 29% more) , 446 property crimes (655, down 32%), 106 residential burglaries (126, down 16%), 283 burglaries (490, down 42%), 78 vehicle thefts (39, up 50%), 4 arson (2, 51% more).

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