Capital of Mexico? Where is Mexico City Located in The World? | Where is Map

Capital of Mexico? Where is Mexico City Located in The World?

Capital of Mexico? Where is Mexico City Located in The World? – Mexico City is capital of Mexico Country that Mexico is Central American country. Mexico City is also one of the 31 state of Mexico that Mexico is state is the country.

Where is Mexico City

Mexico City as well as both biggest city and famous city in Mexico country. Its have lived 21.2 billion people there and also one of the most crowded in the world. Approximately 21.2 billion people that they lived city center. Miguel Angel Mancera make Mayor of Mexico City. However, Mexco city is most populer accepted among cities of Central and South America. And also It is most important one of the 10 finance city in the country.

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Lastly, Mexico city who once hosts Aztecs and Spaniards, nowadays under control Spanish-born Mexican and native. Number of cars get on the traffic at one day more then 4 billions in Mexico city.

Quick facts

Population 114,975,406
Density 59.1 / km2 ( 153.2 / mi2 )
Language Spanish
Independence Year 1821
Capital Mexico City (Mexico City)
Currency Mexican Peso
GDP 1,280,000,000,000 (2014 data)
GDP per Capita 11,133 (2014 data)
Land Area 1,943,945 km2 (750,561 mi2)
Water Area 20,430 km2 (7,888 mi2)
Neighbouring Countries The United States Of AmericaGuatemalaBelize
Minimum Longitude -118.370
Maximum Longitude -86.710
Mininum Latitude 14.540
Maximum Latitude 32.720


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Capital of Mexico – Where is Mexico City Located in The World

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