Where is Zagazig Located? What Country is Zagazig in? Zagazig Map | Where is Map

Where is Zagazig Located? What Country is Zagazig in? Zagazig Map

Where is Zagazig Located?

75 kilometres northeast of Cairo the town of Zagazig, the capital of Sharqia province, founded in 1820, is located in Nildelta. The University town of Zagazig, in which a branch of the famous Al-Azhar University, is the centre of the cotton and grain trade, and is home to the small Urabi-Museum, which displays some interesting findings.

What Country is Zagazig in?

The exhibition is named after one of the city’s most famous sons, Ahmed Urabi, who led the uprising against the British occupation in 1882. The University’s collection of studies contains other archaeological exhibits. The extraordinary collection is worth a visit, but it should be announced at the Institute of Middle East studies of antiquity, because there are no opening hours for the exhibition.

Zagazig Map

Where is Zagazig Located? What Country is Zagazig in? Zagazig Map
Where is Zagazig Located? What Country is Zagazig in? Zagazig Map

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