Where is Wind Cave National Park? What city is Wind Cave National Park in? | Where is Map

Where is Wind Cave National Park? What city is Wind Cave National Park in?

Where is Wınd Cave Natıonal Park?

Black Hills are the name of the coniferous forest-covered granite hills and mountains in southwest South Dakota. The 70 km2 Wind Cave National Park with the limestone cave of the same name is located in the southeast of these ‘Black Hills’, where the forest is slowly replaced by the endless prairies of the Midwest.

The peculiarities of the cave are the honeycomb-shaped calcite structures at some Places of the cave, and the calcite formations on the walls and on the ground. The Name ‘Wind Cave’, ‘Wind Cave’, comes from the fact that climatically caused under – and above – ground pressure differences are compensated by incoming or outgoing air.

This constant stream of air, which supplies the cave with fresh air, is clearly perceived especially at the cave entrance. The circulating air produced a whistling sound at the only known connection of the cave to the Earth’s surface, an opening in the rock a few centimetres high and a few decimetres wide, which led to the discovery of the cave in 1881. This opening was later extended to the present cave entrance. In the forest-enforced prairie grassland above the cave, which also belongs to the Park, a herd of bison has reclaimed the ancestral habitat of their extinct ancestors. The Horned-sized, Earth-dwelling black-tailed prairie dogs, which populate the grassland for thousands upon thousands, have transformed it in places into an inhospitable crater landscape. The main attraction of the park is undoubtedly the limestone cave, which can be visited on different tours. Short hikes on wooded hill ridges and through prairie areas are popular.

Where is Wind Cave National Park? What city is Wind Cave National Park in?
Where is Wind Cave National Park? What city is Wind Cave National Park in?

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